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Established in 2010 as an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta, the Rupertsland Institute (RLI) Métis Centre for Excellence was incorporated as a Section 9 company under the Alberta Companies Act on July 26, 2010 and:

  • Is governed by a professional Board of Governors comprised of representatives from the Métis business community, University of Alberta, other academia, industry and the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) Provincial Council;
  • Is accountable to its sole shareholder – the Métis people of Alberta – as represented by the MNA Provincial Council;
  • Sets the standard for transparency and accountability while carrying out the education, training and research mandates entrusted to it by the MNA; and
  • Has a vision of a skilled, knowledgeable, self-reliant Métis Nation.

Board of Governors

Lorne Gladu

Executive Board Chair

Andrea Sandmaier

President of the Otipemisiwak Métis Government

Lisa Wolfe

Otipemiwisak Métis Government Ex-Officio

Dr. Adam Gaudry

University of Alberta Ex-Officio

Dr. Ian Winship

University of Alberta Ex-Officio