Eligibility Requirements
All applicants interested in attending RLI-funded training must meet the eligibility criteria and must apply for assistance a minimum of 30 days prior to the training start date. Please note that often RLI programs and projects have specific eligibility criteria in addition to the general eligibility criteria.
General eligibility criteria:
- Must be a member of the Otipemisiwak Métis Students Association
- Show proof of Métis citizenship by submitting the following documents:
- A current Métis Nation of Alberta citizenship card
- Proof of Alberta residency;
- Declare that their name will not appear on the Government of Canada’s Indian Registry or a Band list pursuant to the Indian Act and is not an Inuk or a non-Status Indian;
- Demonstrate a need for training or retraining;
- Be ready, willing, and able to complete the training requested and any intervening requirements for success identified by RLI;
- Show that training or retraining will lead to employment that provides an income on par with non-Indigenous workers and is in an industry with an average or above-average industry demand;
- Disclosure of all sources of funding.
Rupertsland Institute can provide a maximum of $8,500 for tuition costs. This is in addition to a weekly training allowance, if eligible.
NOTE: ALL funds paid to on behalf of a student are taxable income.
Questions? Call 1-888-48-MÉTIS (1-888-486-3847)